
Corn is a family of wheat and It is an annual herbaceous plant which can grow between 1.5 and 3 meters in length according to the region where it is grown. The leaves are tapered to the tip, with a long thin spear. The edges of the leaves all, wavy, greyish white from the middle stretches a large main vein and a dozen righted, pale lateral veins as it parallel to it.

Known Composition

The grains of the corn plant contain high levels of starch and unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A and sterols. The maize tassel used as a medicine includes substances such as glucose, maltose, sterols, resin, potassium salts, and essential oil.

Places of Use

Corn oil obtained from corn grains, liquid as a cooking oil, is known to prevent hardening of the arteries. Besides, corn grains are used in the feed industry because of their nutritive value. Flour is obtained from the grains. Even today, its use is becoming widespread.

Our company continues its corn trade both nationally and internationally as bulk l shipments according to the demands of customers.

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